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Pretoria real estate photography examples.

The following images shows typical examples of photos sometimes featured on real estate websites, and how the same photo can be taken in a different way, to enhance the view of your property.

Pretoria real estate photography: Example of an under exposed image.

Bad example-1

The image above is very typical of images found on real estate websites.  The window (the main source of light in the room) is bright, while the rest of the room is very dark. This makes it very difficult to see any details in the room, and it looks unnatural.

Pretoria real estate photography: Example of an over exposed image.

Bad example-2

The image above is the opposite of the under exposed image.  Although the room is bright enough to see most details, the lamp in the corner is completely blown out (too bright), and the same can be said for the window, which is just one bright rectangle on the wall.

There are also distracting reflections on the television on the wall.  Looking closely, it is also evident that the walls of the room appear to be skew, leaning inwards.

Pretoria real estate photography: Example of a properly exposed image.

Real estate photography Faerie Glen-3

In the image above, we notice the following:

  • The room is brightly lit, so enough detail about the room, it’s size and the furniture that can fit into the room is visible;
  • Even though the room is brightly lit, the window is evenly lit, and the view from the room is also shown;
  • The distracting reflections on the television is gone, with only the natural reflection of the window visible;
  • The walls run straight up, and aren’t skew anymore.

If you are interested in showing off the best side of your house of property, contact us now to make an appointment.

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