Professional real estate photography

Professional real estate photography – why you need it

A lot has been said and written about the need and use of a professional photographer, if you require professional real estate photography.

From a technical perspective, real estate photography poses some unique challenges to the photographer.

First of all, lighting conditions indoor could vary dramatically from room to room, and it is quite challenging to ensure large expansive rooms and smaller rooms have the same “look” after photographing them. Furthermore, most rooms have big sunny windows, and with the sun shining through them makes certain parts of the room very bright, while the rest of the room is in shadow, or very dark. You could just close the curtains or blinds and then take a photo of the room, but what about the nice view you want your prospective buyer to see? Professional real estate photography will ensure that you capture the room evenly lit, as well as showing off the view from the room.

Professional real estate photography – why you really need it

Pretoria real estate photography brings you the facts and benefits about real estate photography

The image above shows some incredible facts about the benefits of using professional real estate photography.

  • When you use high quality images in your listing, people spend up to 10 times longer looking at your listing. Using professional real estate photography therefore gives your property more time to catch people’s attention, and draw their interest to your property. We also know that first impressions count, so if you can grab a potential buyer’s attention with a stunning image, and make a good first impression, you are halfway to a sale.
  • Research have shown that properties with professional real estate photography get 61% more views than properties without it. Yes, 61% more.
  • Another interesting fact is that properties with professional real estate photography sell 32% faster than others. That means quicker turnaround of properties in a real estate agent’s books, and for the seller, a quick sale at the right price is always a win.
  • Another benefit for real estate agents in particular is that properties using professional real estate photography get on average a 131% increase in clicks that other properties. And we all know, clicks equals views, views equals potential buyers, and potential buyers equals buyers. Just what you need.

If you are convinced that you need a professional for your real estate photography needs, please contact us today. You can also reach Pretoria Real Estate Photography on our Facebook page.

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