Recent real estate photography shoot and Matterport 3D scan in Lombardi Estate, Pretoria East

Pretoria Real Estate Photography was recently requested to do an interior and exterior real estate photo shoot in Lombardi Estate, in Pretoria East. The estate agent also requested us to a Matterport 3D scan of another property located just up the road from the first one.

Interior and exterior still photography images of the property in Lombardi Estate, Pretoria East.

A great example of twilight exterior photography done in Lombardi Estate. The slow shutter speed used in this picture shows an almost tranquil scene outside this amazing house. Twilight photography done right by Pretoria Real Estate Photography.
Tranquility on offer at this amazing house in Lombardi Estate

Matterport 3d scan of the other property in Lombardi Estate, Pretoria East.

A Matterport 3D scan makes it easy and fast to create a digital twin, or a digital duplicate of your property. Matterport captures a 3D view of your home, and let potential buyers virtually ‘walk through’ your home without having to physically visit your home!

Some of the benefits of using Matterport 3D scans is that potential buyers could virtually ‘visit’ the property and walk from room to room, and see exactly what the layout of the house is. They can look up, down, left right, and really get a feel for how the house or property is linked together.

Matterport 3D scans of real estate is the future of online real estate listings. Pretoria Real Estate Photography now offers you an unique perspective of your property, allowing potential viewers to "virtually walk through" your property, giving them a true feel for the space before even setting foot in the house. Pretoria Real Estate Photography Matterport 3D scans creates additional value for your house at very reasonable prices.
Click on the image above to see for yourself how you can walk through a property / house to get a feel for how it would be to live in this house.

To see a list of all the services we offer, please click here.

Pretoria real estate photography brings you the facts and benefits about real estate photography

Professional real estate photography

Professional real estate photography – why you need it

A lot has been said and written about the need and use of a professional photographer, if you require professional real estate photography.

From a technical perspective, real estate photography poses some unique challenges to the photographer.

First of all, lighting conditions indoor could vary dramatically from room to room, and it is quite challenging to ensure large expansive rooms and smaller rooms have the same “look” after photographing them. Furthermore, most rooms have big sunny windows, and with the sun shining through them makes certain parts of the room very bright, while the rest of the room is in shadow, or very dark. You could just close the curtains or blinds and then take a photo of the room, but what about the nice view you want your prospective buyer to see? Professional real estate photography will ensure that you capture the room evenly lit, as well as showing off the view from the room.

Professional real estate photography – why you really need it

Pretoria real estate photography brings you the facts and benefits about real estate photography

The image above shows some incredible facts about the benefits of using professional real estate photography.

  • When you use high quality images in your listing, people spend up to 10 times longer looking at your listing. Using professional real estate photography therefore gives your property more time to catch people’s attention, and draw their interest to your property. We also know that first impressions count, so if you can grab a potential buyer’s attention with a stunning image, and make a good first impression, you are halfway to a sale.
  • Research have shown that properties with professional real estate photography get 61% more views than properties without it. Yes, 61% more.
  • Another interesting fact is that properties with professional real estate photography sell 32% faster than others. That means quicker turnaround of properties in a real estate agent’s books, and for the seller, a quick sale at the right price is always a win.
  • Another benefit for real estate agents in particular is that properties using professional real estate photography get on average a 131% increase in clicks that other properties. And we all know, clicks equals views, views equals potential buyers, and potential buyers equals buyers. Just what you need.

If you are convinced that you need a professional for your real estate photography needs, please contact us today. You can also reach Pretoria Real Estate Photography on our Facebook page.

Airbnb photography Pretoria Centurion

Need better Airbnb photos | Pretoria Real Estate Photography

Need better Airbnb photos | Pretoria Real Estate Photography

Pictures are your prospective Airbnb guest’s first impression. That means they are pretty important. Professional Airbnb imagery is one of the most important aspects to sell anything online, including rentals of your home on Airbnb. Generally speaking, listings with beautiful Airbnb photos receive more interest from guests, which leads to more bookings and which leads to making more money for you and Airbnb. (

It’s a fact that doesn’t need data, but Airbnb listings with better Airbnb photos get booked more often.

Getting these verified Airbnb photos will help improve your listing strength and likely bump you up the search algorithm since Airbnb can confirm your space looks exactly like the Airbnb photos that are presented. (

Airbnb photography Pretoria Centurion Johannesburg

Need better Airbnb photos | Some data to support the claims

According to Airbnb says that a listing with verification and professional photos will get booked 2.5 times more frequently than one without, and on average a host will rake in over $1,000 more in bookings. Those are some lofty claims, but given consumers’ heightened safety awareness and the site’s increasingly professional-looking listings, this could transform it from an after-thought to a real commitment for users. (

Need better Airbnb photos | Improve Airbnb bookings and profits

Your Airbnb photos is the reason you’re missing out on bookings and profits.

Many potential guests don’t read through the listing descriptions and just go straight to the photos, so having the best Airbnb photos could make the difference between passing on your property, or investigating some more.

If there is only one thing common among the successful Airbnb listing, it’s that they all have great looking photos. (

We know listing photos can be a big blocker to becoming a host—some 40 percent of those who try to list their space quit the process when it’s time to add pictures. Even long-standing successful hosts tell us they wish they could improve the quality of their images. (

Airbnb photography Pretoria Centurion Johannesburg

Need better Airbnb photos | Real life experiences

“Photographs are the single most important factor for marketing a vacation property,” says Scott Shatford, an Airbnb host who “stumbled upon” the site in 2012 and decided to start using it to make extra income while he was traveling. “I was sharing my home with everyone from Midwest retirees, to international backpackers, even an NFL quarterback and a president at Starbucks.”)

“The photos on Airbnb look so good these days that it’s necessary to go above and beyond in order to stand out from the crowd.” (

In an article on, an Airbnb “Superhost” describes his experience.

“I can’t stress enough how important good pictures are,” says Bearchell, who found out firsthand how improving your pictures can improve bookings. “Early last year I accepted a booking request, and soon the person messaged me saying he noticed my Airbnb photos were ‘less than ideal,’ and that he was a professional photographer and if we were to give him one of the nights for free, he would take some new photos of the place for us to use.”

Bearchell took him up on his offer and the bookings from users increased dramatically. “The popularity his photos have brought us would have been worth giving him a whole month for free,” Bearchell says. “In fact, I am currently in the process of trying to get him up here again to take photos of our new place!” (

Airbnb photography Pretoria Centurion Johannesburg

Need better Airbnb photos | Double your monthly Airbnb income

Featuring professional Airbnb photography on their best listings instantly doubled Airbnb’s monthly income overnight!

The most important task you have to do on Airbnb is to create your listing, and you certainly need good Airbnb photos to go along with this. The old cliché “a picture is worth a thousand words” really holds true in the vacation rental business. The photos that you put on your property listing are usually the first thing that will catch any potential guest’s eye. Of course, the price you are asking for the rental is also important. But it is the Airbnb photos that really depict what guests can expect for the money they will be paying. It doesn’t matter whether it is a room, apartment, house or any other type of rental, it must show well in your photographs. ( 

Airbnb photography Pretoria Centurion Johannesburg

Need better Airbnb photos | Professional Airbnb photos aren’t really an option

When looking to turn your property into a money-making vacation rental home, using professional photography is one of those things that aren’t really an option. You want potential guests to give up their hard-earn money to stay in your place (a stranger’s house)? Then you need to inspire an emotional connection between them and your property. The best way to do this is by using visually striking Airbnb photos of your place. As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words. (

Need better Airbnb photos | And finally …

Let’s face it, visual intelligence is constantly on the rise. Humans prefer digesting visual information to reading text. Images on the Net generate 650% more engagement than text. Even on Airbnb, listings supercharged with professional Airbnb photos receive twice more bookings than their regular counterpart. (

So, you have heard what the experts on Airbnb photos say. Isn’t it time that you make this investment in professional Airbnb photos? Contact Pretoria Real Estate Photography here to schedule your Airbnb photoshoot now.

Pretoria Real Estate photography shoot in Silver Lakes

Pretoria Real Estate Photography: Recent photoshoot in Silver Lakes Golf Estate

Pretoria Real Estate Photography: Recent photoshoot in Silver Lakes Golf Estate

I recently had the privilege of shooting a beautiful large house in Silver Lakes Golf Estate in the East of Pretoria.  Below you can find some sample images of the shoot.

Pretoria Real Estate Photography: Recent photoshoot in Silver Lakes Golf Estate Gallery

Thank you for taking the time to explore this Pretoria Real Estate Photography shoot in Silver Lakes Golf Estate, Pretoria East.

Pretoria Real Estate Photography: Recent photoshoot in Silver Lakes Golf Estate

If you would like to contact us, please click on this link.

Read: Real Estate Photography in Lyttelton Manor Centurion

Pretoria Real Estate Photography works in the following areas: Midstream Estate, Centurion, Irene, Southdowns, Pretoria East, Pretoria North, Woodhill, Silver Lakes, Lyttleton, Rooihuiskraal, greater Pretoria and Midrand area.
Pretoria real estate photography shooting in Centurion Pretoria

Real Estate Photography in Lyttelton Manor Centurion

Real Estate Photography in Lyttelton Manor Centurion: My latest shoot

I recently did a late afternoon real estate photography shoot in Lyttelton Manor, Centurion, Pretoria.  The house was situated on one of those historic double stands that were subdivided, but the stand and house were still massive.

Real Estate Photography in Lyttelton Manor Centurion: The setup

The shoot was done (like most of my real estate shoots) in the late afternoon, around 16:30.  The benefit of doing real estate photography at that time of day, is that there is still enough sunlight available for the interior “ambient” shots, but the light is less harsh.  This is especially important for the important exterior shots, where the light is more even, with less harsh contrast between lighter and darker areas, or light and shady areas in the garden.

Read also: the benefits of using a professional real estate photographer

Real Estate Photography in Lyttelton Manor Centurion: Gallery

Pretoria real estate photography rates 2020*

What is cost to have your house photographed by Pretoria Real Estate Photography

Real estate photography in Mooikloof - Pretoria real estate photography

Real estate photography in Mooikloof – Pretoria real estate photography

Real estate photography in Mooikloof, Pretoria

I recently did a photo shoot in the Mooikloof area in Pretoria, in Country View Estate.  I haven’t done any photo shoots in that area of Pretoria, and I was very impressed by the relaxed atmosphere of the estate, so close to the boundaries of Pretoria East.

Real estate photography in Mooikloof, Pretoria

Below you will find a gallery with pictures from the photo shoot in Mooikloof, Pretoria. The shoot was done in the late afternoon, early enough to have enough light available for shooting the interior of the apartment, without having too harsh light for the exterior shots.  I am very happy with the way the exterior shots turned out, especially those that show the entrance to the estate, as well as the clubhouse facilities of the estate.

Read also: How professional photography can help sell your house


If you are interested in making use of our services, please contact us here.  Our standard photography package costs only R1 100 (for a standard medium-sized house).

Contact Pretoria real estate photography today to ensure that you have the best images of your property before selling it

Pretoria real estate photography: The benefits of using professional photos when selling your house

Pretoria real estate photography: The benefits of using professional photos when selling your house

I have just found this article on the web,

Back Away From the iPhone and Hire a Photographer

by ,

which actually gives some interesting numbers regarding the benefits of using using professional photos when selling your house.  You can read the full article here, but I have copied some of the key messages below.

Pretoria real estate photography: The benefits of using professional photos when selling your house lies in keeping someone’s attention for longer

You caution your sellers about the importance of curb appeal. You counsel them to clean up and maybe even stage the home’s interior. Then you come along, snap some quick photos on your smartphone and slap them on the MLS.

While curb appeal is your client’s responsibility, web appeal is yours.You have one chance to impress – a scant two seconds to grab a buyer’s attention without a photograph and 20 seconds with one. Do iPhone listing photos or those you take with a point-and-shoot camera make optimum use of those valuable seconds?

Pretoria real estate photography: The benefits of using professional photos when selling your house lies in the fact that people look at the pictures first

Photos are overwhelmingly viewed first in real estate listings.

Agents that just can’t find the time to photograph their listings – an alarmingly common occurrence – and rely on a pithy description instead, may reconsider that behavior in light of the fact that most Internet home shoppers won’t even look at listings without photos. Even when a listing includes photos, 40 percent of all participants donn’t even look at the agent remarks section.

Pretoria real estate photography: The benefits of using professional photos when selling your house lies in the bottom line

According to a 2010 Redfin study, homes that are professionally photographed sell for at least $934 and as much as $18,819 more than homes photographed by an amateur. The study also shows that homes photographed by a professional garner 61 percent more online views.

Professionally-photographed homes sell for up to $19,000 more.

Why don’t you give Pretoria Real Estate Photography a call – we will send one of our specialist photographers to take amazing photos of your property. Go ahead – it is worth it!

House photos Pretoria North

House photos Pretoria North

I was recently requested to do a house photo shoot in Pretoria North, for someone who was looking for professional quality photos that could be used to advertise the house.

The shoot was done in the late afternoon, so there wasn’t any very bright or harsh sunlight to content with on the outside, but made lighting of the inside of the house quite a challenge.  As it is early May, the trees in the garden were covered in autumn colours, especially yellow, which made for some nice shots of the outside of the house.

House photos Pretoria North: Photos from inside the house

The images below shows the inside of the house, including the sitting room, dining room, bedrooms, bathrooms and study.


House photos Pretoria North: Photos from the outside of the house

As I mentioned previously, the autumn leaves of the trees around this house made for some very interesting scenery, and really complemented the blue in the overcast sky.

House photos Pretoria North: Final remarks

It can be a daunting prospect to place your house in the market.  Thanks to the internet, you are competing with thousands of properties in your area, most of which can easily be viewed online.

So how can you ensure that potential buyers of your house spend a reasonable amount of time on viewing your house?  Make a good first impression by highlighting the best properties of your house, by using a professional photographer to take the photos for you. The last thing you want is people actually finding your house on the internet, and then move on to the next house before properly looking at yours, just because your photos aren’t of a very high standard.

Recent house photography shoot in Centurion

Recent house photography shoot in Centurion: Introduction

This past weekend I had the opportunity to shoot a house for a family in Centurion, Pretoria.  It was a day shoot, and the typical early April weather made for lots of sunshine during the shoot.  While the sunlight helps a lot with lighting, especially inside the house, it did present some challenges when shooting the outside of the house, as well as the patio areas.

Recent house photography shoot in Centurion: Photos from inside the house

In the images below, you can get a feel for this wonderful house.  It is evident from the photos that the house is well maintained and cared for.  As a photographer, it also helps a lot when the owner prepares the house for the shoot.  The house was very neat and tidy, inside and out, which made it very easy and quick to move from room to room for the photo setup.


Recent house photography shoot in Centurion: Photos from the outside of the house

The images below show some of the outside views of this lovely house in Centurion.

Recent house photography shoot in Centurion: Final thoughts

Making a good first impression counts a lot.  And this is what professional house photography aims to achieve.  When you advertise your house (or other residential property) on the internet, you are basically introducing your house to the rest of the world (and potential buyers).  So, why don’t you help your house to make the best first impression that it can, by making use of a professional photographer to showcase the best of your house.