Pretoria real estate photography: The benefits of using professional photos when selling your house

Pretoria real estate photography: The benefits of using professional photos when selling your house

I have just found this article on the web,

Back Away From the iPhone and Hire a Photographer

by ,

which actually gives some interesting numbers regarding the benefits of using using professional photos when selling your house.  You can read the full article here, but I have copied some of the key messages below.

Pretoria real estate photography: The benefits of using professional photos when selling your house lies in keeping someone’s attention for longer

You caution your sellers about the importance of curb appeal. You counsel them to clean up and maybe even stage the home’s interior. Then you come along, snap some quick photos on your smartphone and slap them on the MLS.

While curb appeal is your client’s responsibility, web appeal is yours.You have one chance to impress – a scant two seconds to grab a buyer’s attention without a photograph and 20 seconds with one. Do iPhone listing photos or those you take with a point-and-shoot camera make optimum use of those valuable seconds?

Pretoria real estate photography: The benefits of using professional photos when selling your house lies in the fact that people look at the pictures first

Photos are overwhelmingly viewed first in real estate listings.

Agents that just can’t find the time to photograph their listings – an alarmingly common occurrence – and rely on a pithy description instead, may reconsider that behavior in light of the fact that most Internet home shoppers won’t even look at listings without photos. Even when a listing includes photos, 40 percent of all participants donn’t even look at the agent remarks section.

Pretoria real estate photography: The benefits of using professional photos when selling your house lies in the bottom line

According to a 2010 Redfin study, homes that are professionally photographed sell for at least $934 and as much as $18,819 more than homes photographed by an amateur. The study also shows that homes photographed by a professional garner 61 percent more online views.

Professionally-photographed homes sell for up to $19,000 more.

Why don’t you give Pretoria Real Estate Photography a call – we will send one of our specialist photographers to take amazing photos of your property. Go ahead – it is worth it!

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